
- When filling in the registration form and application, guardians are requested to pay ₹200/-
- Candidates for admission to all classes must pass an interview. New admission is taken from classes NURSERY to class-VIII and class-XI (Science, Commerce, Humanities).
- Transfer Certificate (T.C) must be produced by all candidates who have previously attended any school.
- Children are taken in at the age group of 3+ (admissions would be based on the age of the child as on 1st April of the current academic session). Registration begins before the fall vacation. Birth Certificate, Hospital Discharge Certificate if any must be produced at the time of interview (original along with xerox copy).
- Those intending for Transfer Certificate must apply and pay necessary T/C and other fees (if any) before 15th February, of every year. No application for Transfer Certificate will be entertained in the month of April (new academic year).
- No Transfer Certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full and only on receipt of written application from the parent or guardian (Refer to last page of the school diary).
- Two passport size photos with school uniform must be submitted with the TC application.
- Transfer certificate will be issued after a period of 14 days.

Examination & Promotion
- In all question of promotion or failure, the Principal’s decision is final.
- Two-unit examinations for classes- Nursery to V and Three-unit examinations for classes- VI to XII is held. The marks obtained in all examinations and tests will count towards the aggregate which will determine at the end of the year, the promotion to a higher class.
- After the Unit-I (Half-yearly) examination the answer papers of the students of Nursery to XII will be shown to the students and parents in the school only.
- During Proclamation of Rank attendance of parents is COMPULSORY (this encourages a healthy interaction between parents and teachers).
- Review for Unit-III (Final) Examination only will be available on payment of ₹400/- per subject.
Regulations for Test
- Marks obtained in the unscheduled examination will consist of a test in each subject (a student who fails to appear in any examination will be marked “ZERO” for that subject).
- No child will absent himself at the examination without a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner accompanied by a leave note.
- The marks obtained in all the subjects as marked in the report card will be included in the aggregate.
- A student who misses an examination, may not appear at the later date unless provided with a valid reason and document.
- All fee concession of students who fail in any class are automatically cancelled at the end of the year.
- A student failing twice in a class, will have to discontinue their studies in the school.
- Every student must be present on the re-opening day of the school after the summer, fall and Christmas vacations. Pupils must rejoin class after the holidays on the re-opening day itself.

Criteria for Promotion
- A minimum attendance of 75% will be required for promotion as directed by the COUNCIL, New Delhi.
- In order to be promoted a student should secure a minimum of 40%. In all questions of promotion or failure, the Principal’s decision is final.
- The promotion of a child shall be determined by the Principal in consultation with the subject and class teachers.
- Promotion once refused will not be reconsidered under any circumstances.
- Assembly prayer is a must for all the children of this school.
- School begins with a general assembly. No child will be allowed to enter the school premises after the assembly prayer is over.
- The parents and guardians of all children in the school individually undertake, by placing their children in this school, that they shall conform and submit to the discipline of the School.
- Smoking and Chewing Pan/ Tobacco/Weed and Chewing gum, Alcoholic drinks and any drugs are STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside the school campus.
- Disrespect to the administration, any teacher, or disrespect to any religion or community by any student shall not be tolerated and will be liable for punishment.
- CD/ DVD/ Pen-drive/ micro-chips/ SD cards/ mobile phones/ head-phones/ Bluetooth devices/ smart watches etc. is not to be brought to school.
- Any damage/ breakage caused to the school property by any student (if found), then strict action is taken by the administration.

We expect Our Students
- To be polite, friendly and well behaved in and outside the school.
- To wish your teachers and elders whenever you meet them.
- To keep your clothes and books neat and tidy.
- To respect their own property as well as property that belong to others.
- To be honest and truthful, whatever be the cost.
Parental Co-Operation
- By urging their ward/s to be regular in attendance. Staying away from school without leave is not tolerated except when the cause is sudden illness or other unforeseen circumstances.
- By seeing that their wards are diligent with homework and lessons.
- By meeting the Principal on appointed dates to discuss means for greater progress in their children’s studies.
- By insisting on neatness and cleanliness in the text books, exercise, etc. properly labelling their names on the texts and exercises, also writing their names on their tiffin boxes, water bottles, school bags and any other article that are likely to be lost.
- By encouraging the children to participate in activities conducted by the school.
- Parents are requested to make complaints (if any), to the Principal and not to the class teacher.
- Parents/ Guardians are requested to come during the Parent / Teacher meeting and scrutinize their ward/s exercises for Unit-I for Class- Nursery to V, between 8:00 am to 10:00 am and classes- VI to XII, between 10:00 am to 12:00 noon; after which the school reserves the right to with-hold the test exercises for further scrutiny.
An Appeal –
- It is imperative that you come with your ward/s and find their achievements or defects.
- During offline classes the school does not approve of any letter/ message/ WhatsApp message/ calls being addressed to the individual teacher, or parents making direct approach to them. All correspondence must be addressed to the Principal.